Country 11: Azerbaijan

This post marks an exciting day in Cook The World with Savannah - it's the end of the A countries! I have had a sneak peak at the B countries and there are SIXTEEN of them but I do feel 11 countries is quite an achievement so I am pleased with that.

Azerbaijan is (yet another) country I don't know much about. My mother knows even less, confusing it completely with Uzbekistan (bless her). I do feel like this project is helping me learn more about each country though, so that's a bonus.

Of the 11 climate zones in the world, Azerbaijan has 9. The Caucasus mountain range protects the country from the Siberian frost coming south from Russia, while the Caspian Sea provides a shield from the hot air of Central Asia. As a result, there are different regions throughout Azerbaijan and each produce their own flavours and influence the cuisine.

Popular dishes in Azerbaijan include plov which is a saffron-coloured rice served with a huge variety of ingredients, including mutton, chicken, or fish. Apparently there are over 40 recipes for plov, and it is considered to be the national dish of the country, but I did not choose to cook one for my meal, although maybe I will get to it next! Kebabs and shashlik is also considered to be extremely popular, and there are also supposedly over 30 varieties of soup in Azerbaijan cuisine.

Today on the menu we have:


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